Weather Data for Agriculture_4
Weather Insights To Ensure Successful Harvests

Weather Solutions for the Agriculture Sector

Our customers report:

  • Improved product quality, reducing their customer complaints by 2/3.
  • 99% precipitation accuracy, ensuring effective field operations.
  • 50% time savings on weather-related tasks.

We Work With Groundbreaking Companies

We are proud to work with leading companies in the agriculture industry. Together, we optimize crop yields, improve resource efficiency, and enhance climate resilience through advanced weather intelligence and precision forecasting solutions.

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Louis dreyfus company
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2020 05 28 baywa logo
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Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag (DLV)
Meteomatics enables us to use a huge variety of agricultural weather data to support our target groups in field work and resource planning. 
Val kovalsky
Dr. Val Kovalsky
Co-Founder & CTO
Nave Analytics
When we switched to Meteomatics, precipitation forecasts became incredibly accurate, saving me two-thirds of my time because I no longer had to deal with client issues.
Boaz Ogola
Boaz Ogola
Managing Director
Alliance Ginneries Tanzania
The results were extremely precise, with rain and cloud cover matching the forecasts by 99%.
Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag (DLV)
Meteomatics enables us to use a huge variety of agricultural weather data to support our target groups in field work and resource planning. 
Val kovalsky
Dr. Val Kovalsky
Co-Founder & CTO
Nave Analytics
When we switched to Meteomatics, precipitation forecasts became incredibly accurate, saving me two-thirds of my time because I no longer had to deal with client issues.

Our Weather Solutions Driving Positive Impact for Our Agriculture Customers

Nave analytics hero

Precipitation Accuracy

Meteomatics superior forecasts improve Nave Analytics' services and  reputation. 

  • Nave Analytics enhances irrigation and planting strategies with Meteomatics’ highly accurate weather data.
  • Meteomatics’ superior forecasts save ⅔ of Nave Analytics' time previously spent handling client complaints.
  • The new NavePlant service helps farmers in high-precipitation regions ensure better crop yields.
Schweizer hagel

Environmental Risk

Meteomatics' data ensures Schweizer Hagel assess risk and determine insurance premiums for agri businesses.

  • Access to Meteomatics’ data results in significant time savings due to efficiency gains.
  • Schweizer Hagel and their customers benefit from fair and risk-appropriate insurance premiums.
  • Schweizer Hagel’s customers can forecast crop weather risks with the Swiss Agro Index.
Reinhart hero

Organic Cotton Yields

Meteomatics works with Reinhart to ensure farmers in Tanzania and Zambia make well-informed planting decisions.

  • Meteomatics' data help smallholder farmers adapt to a changing climate.
  • The goal is to increase organic cotton yields by 15-20%, improving the global cotton industry and local farmers' livelihoods.
  • Precipitation forecasts match real conditions with 99% accuracy, ensuring effective field operations.

Hydrological Modeling

Meteomatics' Meteodrones support the MAGDA project in developing improved forecasts and a hydrological model. 

  • Better predictions of severe weather events help reduce crop damage, infrastructure losses, and disruptions.
  • Enhanced pest and disease forecasts enable early intervention, minimizing yield losses and chemical use.
  • A hydrological model optimizes water use, reducing waste and improving crop yields.

Meteomatics for Farming Resilience: MAGDA Project

MAGDA Thumbnail

Meteomatics Solutions for the Agriculture Industry

Weather Solutions Based on the Most Accurate Weather Data in the Market

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Weather API

Get weather forecasts for any location in the world downscaled to 90 meters. Over 1800 weather parameters from over 110 observation sources and models.

Icon on Picture EURO1k v5 large

1k Models

Through the Weather API, you get access to Meteomatics' exclusive high-resolution weather models capable of predicting even the most localized weather events, such as thunderstorms, hail, fog, and more.

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MetX - Weather Maps

Visualize weather events in real time and high resolution on MetX, Meteomatics' web-based weather map tool that provides the precision and clarity you need to make informed decisions

Metetmatics Weather Intelligence API Illustration

Weather API

Everything you need on call

The Meteomatics Weather API simplifies weather data retrieval and processing, enabling users to access large volumes of data quickly and effortlessly.

Weather Parameters for Agriculture

From temperature and precipitation to soil moisture and evapotranspiration, our 90-meter high-resolution data helps optimize yields, boost efficiency, and enhance climate resilience.

Specific Agricultural Parameters

On top of fundamental weather parameters, Meteomatics has a suite of parameters dedicated to the agricultural sector, including:

Fast and Flexible Access to Weather Data

  • One source, one interface: query multiple parameters simultaneously for single or multiple sites and entire areas
  • Query data in real time with a response time of a few milliseconds
  • Real-time access to several data petabytes thanks to unique data processing technology (Meteocache)
  • "On the fly" downscaling using topographic maps enables 90 meter resolution worldwide, greatly improving accuracy at the local level
  • High-resolution data available every minute
  • Highest data quality: over 1640 updates per day ensure accuracy and timelines
Us1k helene

1k Weather Models

Be Ahead of the Weather and the Market with the Finest Weather Data Available in the Industry

Our customers report:

  • Improved planning confidence and risk mitigation
  • Cost savings
  • Operational continuity
  • Better resource allocation
  • Increased safety for workforce and assets
  • Improved products and services

EURO1k and US1k

EURO1k and US1k are exceptional high-resolution numerical weather models from Meteomatics, covering Europe and the United States at a resolution of 1 kilometer.

These models set a new benchmark in weather modeling, being the first and only ones with a resolution fine enough to accurately capture even the most localized meteorological phenomena, including thunderstorms, hail, and storms.

What Makes 1k Models So Special?

  • Native spatial resolution of 1 km (further downscaled to 90m)
  • Native temporal resolution of 15 minutes
  • Forecast lead time of 72 hours for EURO1k and 48h for US1k
  • Geographical coverage of Europe and the contiguous U.S.
  • Hourly updates, integrating all available measurement and observation data 
  • Exclusive integration of weather data captured by Meteodrones   
  • Over 1800 weather parameters
  • Real-time data and historical data
  • Boundary condition: ECMWF-IFS
  • Running on ca. 60,000 CPUs across 300 HPC compute nodes
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Gain Visual Insights With Weather Maps

MetX simplifies complex weather data by converting it into clear, easy-to-read maps. 

Visualize agricultural parameters on a weather map to get a clear view of weather impacts on field management, enabling faster, more confident decisions.

Current parameters 2025 02 26 T15 32 51 44401 00 1
Current parameters 2025 02 26 T15 29 49 79501 00

Climate, Weather and Business

We provide all relevant weather and climate data to build up an early warning system for major weather impacts on nature, agriculture and the environment in general. This includes short-term data as well as long term climate data.

Cacao plant
How cocoa traders can use Meteomatics' weather and climate data to gain a better understanding of its effects on cocoa production.
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Coffee plantation
Varginha, Currency, Herb: How Changing Weather Patterns Created a Brazil Coffee Shortage Which Damages the Local Economy.
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Lasseter winery as G1 QS Dvb4g unsplash
The Great Grape Squeeze: Severe Weather and Rising Demand for Wine
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Coffee plantagion brazil
Knowing about climate and weather impacts on agriculture land in advance leads to several benefits. How Will Climate Change Impact You? Get Data-Based Evidence Now!
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Meteomatics Climate Impact00003
Climate Change May Double Area Annually Burned by Wildfires in California Within the Next 30 Years
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El nino yoda adaman 8wu O Ld N77 A4 unsplash
In this article we’ll explore the causes and consequences of El Niño on businesses and the economy, and discuss the possible implications for the planet during the coming event — and how to prepare for it.
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Talk to an Expert To Improve Your Agricultural Operations

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