These parameters return the times of sunrise and sunset in UTC at a given location.
Sunrise and sunset times are available in the following units: sql, dn, ux
sql will return a time stamp according to the ISO-86011 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ).
dn refers to the date number. The date number represents the whole and fractional number of days from 1-Jan-0000 to a specific date and is equivalent to the serial date number used in Matlab.
ux refers to the Unix timestamp. It gives the total number of elapsed seconds since 00:00:00 UTC on the 1st of January 1970.
Note: Some special cases may occur, which give rise to the following outputs (no date/time outputs):
-777: The sun is not visible
-888: The sun is always visible
Note: When these variables are queried for a specific time, the last sunrise before the query’s time will be returned. The sunset that will be returned will be the one following the sunrise mentioned before. In general, the returned sunset will always be after the returned sunrise and the returned sunrise will be the last one before the query time.
The UV Index is computed based on model outputs and downscaled with 90m-resolution topography data. Instantaneous values as well as maxima within certain time periods can be queried.
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