Weather Parameters
- Temperature: Immediate Temperature | Interval Values of Temperature
- Humidity: Instantaneous Relative Humidity | Interval Values of Relative Humidity | Absolute Humidity | Water Vapor Mixing Ratio
- Dew Point: Instantaneous Dew Point | Interval Values of Dew Point
- Atmospheric Pressure and Density: Pressure Adjusted to Sea Level | Surface Pressure | Pressure at Higher Altitudes | Air Density | Geopotential Height | Layer Thickness
- Wind: Instantaneous Wind Speed | Instantaneous Wind Direction | Horizontal Wind Components | Vertical Wind Component | Interval Wind Speed | Interval Wind Gusts | Interval Wind Direction
- Clouds: Amount of Cloud Cover | Ceiling Height | Cloud Base
- Precipitation: Accumulated Precipitation | Precipitation Type | Precipitation Probability | Hail | Supercooled Liquid Water | Rainfall | Snowfall | Sleet
- Evaporation: Accumulated Evaporation
- Atmospheric Stability: Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE) | Lifted Index | Thunderstorm Probability
- Snow and Frost: Frost Depth | Soil Frost | Amount of Snow Melt | Amount of Fresh Snow | Snow Depth | Snow Water Equivalent | Snow Density | Snowfall Probability
- Radiation: instantaneous fluxes: Clear Sky Radiation | Diffuse Radiation | Direct Radiation | Global Radiation
accumulated energy: Accumulated Energy (Direct, Diffuse or Global Radiation) | Clear Sky Radiation - Lightning Observations & Nowcast: Lightning Strikes | Lightning List
- Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes: Probability of a Tropical Cyclone | Tropical Cyclone Track