Wind API Parameters
Wind Speed (instantaneous) | Instantaneous Wind Direction | Horizontal Wind Components | Vertical Wind Component | Interval Wind Speed | Interval Wind Gusts | Interval Wind Direction | Mean Wind Speed over the Last 10 Years | Wind Shear | Wind Shear IntervalWind Speed (instantaneous)
Gives the instantaneous wind speed at the indicated level above ground or pressure level. Standard height for surface wind speed is 10m.wind_speed_<level>:<unit>
Available altitude levels: 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously)
Available pressure levels (global): 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
Available speed units: ms, kmh, mph, kn, bft
- Wind speed chart created with MetX. Colored areas indicate wind speeds at 10 m height, isolines denote mean sea level pressure. The grid of red numbers shows wind speed values at that location:
- This csv output shows the wind speed at 850 hPa over Switzerland,5_45,12:5x5/csv
validdate;2018-02-21 00:00:00 parameter;wind_speed_850hPa:ms data;5;6.75;8.5;10.25;12 52;10.7;8.6;6.7;6.3;6.4 50.25;12.6;10.8;9.3;8.1;10.6 48.5;14.3;13.5;13;10.3;7.7 46.75;17.9;16;0.7;8.3;0.5 45;10.3;0.1;7.4;13.8;17.9
- Check the wind on different altitudes:,wind_speed_10m:ms,wind_speed_100m:ms,wind_speed_1000m:ms,wind_speed_10000m:ms/47.412164,9.340652/html
Instantaneous Wind Direction
Gives the instantaneous wind direction at the indicated level above ground or pressure level, in degrees from North. For example, a direction of 45 degrees means that the wind is coming from the Northeast. Standard height for surface wind speed is 10m.wind_dir_<level>:d
Available altitudes levels: 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously)
Available pressure levels (global): 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
- Generate a csv file comparing the wind direction at 10m and 700hPa,wind_dir_700hPa:d/47.412164,9.340652/csv
validdate;wind_dir_10m:d;wind_dir_700hPa:d 2017-08-03T00:00:00Z;163.8;250.2 2017-08-03T03:00:00Z;170;239.2 2017-08-03T06:00:00Z;191.3;228.8 2017-08-03T09:00:00Z;244;231.8 2017-08-03T12:00:00Z;239.4;239 2017-08-03T15:00:00Z;243.1;241.6 2017-08-03T18:00:00Z;234.2;247.2 2017-08-03T21:00:00Z;240.9;250.6 2017-08-04T00:00:00Z;249.1;248.1 2017-08-04T03:00:00Z;240.9;221.1 2017-08-04T06:00:00Z;263.2;226.2 2017-08-04T09:00:00Z;319.4;236.3 2017-08-04T12:00:00Z;322.3;257.1 2017-08-04T15:00:00Z;314.4;255.2 2017-08-04T18:00:00Z;301.4;256.8 2017-08-04T21:00:00Z;269.8;260 2017-08-05T00:00:00Z;172.2;252.3
Wind Speed: u and v components
Gives the immediate wind u and v components at the indicated level above ground or pressure level. u is positive for a west to east flow, v is positive for a south to north flow. Standard height for surface wind speed is 10m.wind_speed_u_<level>:<unit>
Available altitudes levels: 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously)
Available pressure levels (global): 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
Available speed units: ms, kmh, mph, kn, bft
- Chart created in MetX showing the Jet Stream on the 300 hPa level with wind barbs based on u and v wind components:
- Compare the scalar wind speed and its u and v components at 10 meters with those at 100 meters,wind_speed_v_10m:ms,wind_speed_u_10m:ms,wind_speed_100m:ms,wind_speed_u_100m:ms,wind_speed_v_100m:ms/47.412164,9.340652/html
validdate;wind_speed_10m:ms;wind_speed_v_10m:ms;wind_speed_u_10m:ms;wind_speed_100m:ms;wind_speed_u_100m:ms;wind_speed_v_100m:ms 2018-02-05T00:00:00Z;2.3;-1.8;-1.4;0.6;0;0.6 2018-02-05T03:00:00Z;3;-2.7;-1.5;0.2;-0;0.2 2018-02-05T06:00:00Z;1.9;-1.7;-0.8;1.1;-1;-0.5 2018-02-05T09:00:00Z;0.4;-0.4;0.2;0.7;-0.7;0.1 2018-02-05T12:00:00Z;3.9;-3.1;-2.4;1.6;-0.8;-1.3 2018-02-05T15:00:00Z;4.9;-4;-2.7;2.7;-2.6;-0.7 2018-02-05T18:00:00Z;1.2;-1;-0.7;0.6;0.4;-0.5 2018-02-05T21:00:00Z;2.1;-1.8;-1;0.4;0.3;0.3 2018-02-06T00:00:00Z;0.9;-0.7;-0.5;0.9;0.8;0.5
Wind Speed: vertical component (w)
Gives the immediate vertical wind component at the indicated level.wind_speed_w_<level>:<unit>
Negative values denote rising motions and positive values denote descending motions.
Available pressure levels (global): 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL605 (continuously)
Available speed units: Pas, ms
- Compare the vertical wind speed at different pressure levels,wind_speed_w_700hPa:Pas,wind_speed_w_500hPa:Pas/47.412164,9.340652/html
Interval Wind Speed
Gives the mean or minimum wind speed over the specified interval at the indicated level above ground or pressure level. Standard height for surface wind speed is 10m.wind_speed_<measure>_<level>_<interval>:<unit>
Available levels (global): 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously), 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
Available measures: mean, min
Available Intervals: 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h
Available speed units: ms, kmh, mph, kn, bft
- Observe the evolution of the mean wind speed at 100 meters for the next four days.,9.340652/html
Interval Wind Gusts
Gives the wind gusts over the specified interval at the indicated level above ground or pressure level. Standard height for surface wind gusts is 10m.wind_gusts_<level>_<interval>:<unit>
Available levels (global): 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously), 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available intervals: 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h
Available speed units: ms, kmh, mph, kn, bft
- Compare the interval wind speed mean with the wind gusts speed.,wind_gusts_100m_3h:ms/47.412164,9.340652/html
Interval Wind Direction
Gives the mean wind direction over the specified interval at the indicated height in degrees. According to the meteorologocial convention, the value indicates the direction from which the wind blows. For example, a wind direction of 90 degrees indicates a wind blowing from the East.wind_dir_mean_<level>_<interval>:d
Available levels (global): 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously), 1000hPa, 975hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 875hPa, 850hPa, 825hPa, 800hPa, 775hPa, 750hPa, 700hPa, 650hPa, 600hPa, 550hPa, 500hPa, 450hPa, 400hPa, 350hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
Available intervals: 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min, 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h
- Compare the wind directions at different heights: 10 meters, 80 meters, 300 hPa and 700 hPa.,wind_dir_mean_80m_1h:d,wind_dir_mean_300hPa_1h:d,wind_dir_mean_700hPa_1h:d/47.412164,9.340652/html
{"version":"3.0","user":"api-test","dateGenerated":"2018-02-07T14:34:10Z","status":"OK","data": [{"parameter":"wind_dir_mean_10m_1h:d","coordinates":[{"lat":47.4122,"lon":9.34065,"dates": [{"date":"2018-02-05T00:00:00Z","value":36.2},{"date":"2018-02-05T12:00:00Z","value":36.5},{"date":"2018-02-06T00:00:00Z","value":80.5}]}]}, {"parameter":"wind_dir_mean_80m_1h:d","coordinates":[{"lat":47.4122,"lon":9.34065,"dates": [{"date":"2018-02-05T00:00:00Z","value":138.2},{"date":"2018-02-05T12:00:00Z","value":76.3},{"date":"2018-02-06T00:00:00Z","value":101.4}]}]}, {"parameter":"wind_dir_mean_300hPa_1h:d","coordinates":[{"lat":47.4122,"lon":9.34065,"dates": [{"date":"2018-02-05T00:00:00Z","value":255.7},{"date":"2018-02-05T12:00:00Z","value":261.2},{"date":"2018-02-06T00:00:00Z","value":242.8}]}]}, {"parameter":"wind_dir_mean_700hPa_1h:d","coordinates":[{"lat":47.4122,"lon":9.34065,"dates": [{"date":"2018-02-05T00:00:00Z","value":228.9},{"date":"2018-02-05T12:00:00Z","value":224.1},{"date":"2018-02-06T00:00:00Z","value":225.5}]}]}]
Mean Wind Speed over the Last 10 Years
Gives the mean 10m wind speed over the last 10 years on a certain date at a specific location.
Available units: ms, kmh
- Compare the mean wind speed of the last ten years with the wind speed of 2022.
Current situation:,wind_speed_10m:ms/50,10/html - The wind speed in winter compared to the 10 years mean:
validdate;wind_speed_10m_10y_mean:ms;wind_speed_10m:ms 2021-10-01T12:00:00Z;3.3;2.9 2021-11-01T12:00:00Z;2.3;3.8 2021-12-01T12:00:00Z;3.1;7.6 2022-01-01T12:00:00Z;3.5;3.5 2022-02-01T12:00:00Z;4.2;7.1
Current situation:,wind_speed_10m:ms/50,10/csv
Wind Shear
This parameter denotes the vertical wind shear between two levels and describes how the wind changes with height. The vertical wind shear is often used to assess favorable environmental conditions for tropical cyclone formation and thunderstorm development.wind_shear_<lower_level>_<upper_level>:<unit>
Available altitudes levels: 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously)
Available pressure levels (global): 1000hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 850hPa, 800hPa, 700hPa, 600hPa, 500hPa, 400hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
Available units: ms, kn
- The following image shows vertical wind shear between 850 hPa and 200 hPa over the USA in MetX. Current situation:,0.05/html_map.
Interval Wind Shear
Gives the mean, maximum or minimum wind shear over the specified interval between the indicated levels.wind_shear_<measure>_<lower_level>_<upper_level>_<interval>:<unit>
Available measures: mean, min, max
Available altitudes levels: 2m - 20000m (continuously), 5ft - 65000ft (continuously)
Available pressure levels (global): 1000hPa, 950hPa, 925hPa, 900hPa, 850hPa, 800hPa, 700hPa, 600hPa, 500hPa, 400hPa, 300hPa, 250hPa, 200hPa, 150hPa, 100hPa, 70hPa, 50hPa, 10hPa
Available flight levels (global): FL10 - FL900 (continuously)
Available Intervals: 1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h
Available units: ms, kn
- Observe the evolution of the mean wind shear over 3h between different pressure levels.,wind_shear_mean_700hPa_300hPa_3h:ms/47.412164,9.340652/html