API Request
- Required Parameters: Date/Time Description | Coordinate Description | Weather Station Identifiers | Available Formats | Available Colormaps
- Optional Parameters: Overview | Source Selection | Behavior on missing or invalid Data | Ensemble Member Selection | Cluster Selection | Route Queries | Polygon Queries
- Meta Requests: Get Latest Initial Time | Get Available Time range | Get Colormap | Find Station
- User Statistics: Show User Statistics
GET requests
According to the REST1 standard, data can be queried using HTTP-GET or HTTP-POST requests fromapi.meteomatics.com
A request can be constructed using the format:
POST requests
POST requests can not be performed from a browser directly but there are graphical tools that can be used to construct and test POST requests. If you are sending a POST request, which is recommended for large URL lengths (>1000 characters), follow this notation:URL: https://api.meteomatics.com/<validdatetime>/
Post-Body: <parameters>/<location>/<format>?<optionals> in plain text
Note: We assume authentication is handled by the REST client software separately. Therefore, we omit the authentication for the rest of this document. It is possible to send the username and password in the URL (it would then start with
https://username:[email protected]
) but not recommended since the password is sent in plain text.