Station Observations: Weather Station Identifiers | Find Station | Missing Data/Data Gaps |
Available weather station parameters | Example queries | Stations across an area - MOS Forecasts: Find MOS Station | Available MOS weather parameters | Example MOS queries
Weather Station & MOS Data
Station Observations
The Meteomatics Weather API provides a wide selection of weather station data around the globe. This also includes buoy measurement data.
In order to query data from weather stations, the source has to be set to mix-obs
Weather Station Identifiers
There are several possibilities to specify the desired station_id. Either coordinates or specific WMO, METAR, AMDA or CH station codes can be used. If you choose coordinates, the data from the nearest station is retrieved. You can also combine multiple stations from the same or different origin with each other using the+
Identifier | Description | Example |
WMO ID | wmo_<wmo_id> |
wmo_066810 is St. Gallen |
METAR ID | metar_<metar_id> |
metar_LSZH is Zurich Airport |
AMDA ID | amda_<amda_id> |
amda_P100 is Kahl/Main |
C-MAN ID | cman_<cman_id> |
cman_mrka2 is Middle Rock Light (Alaska) |
MCH ID | mch_<mch_id> |
mch_LUG is Lugano |
Find Station
It is possible to get a list of available weather stations from which you can select the desired station identifiers. Several conditions can be specified in order to filter the list of stations. The output is a sorted list of stations matching the specified conditions. The output format is CSV.
api.meteomatics.com/find_station?<conditions>Available conditions:
Identifier | Description | Example |
location |
Coordinates: location=<lat>,<lon> , or bounding box location=<lat_max>,<lon_min>_<lat_min>,<lon_max> |
location=47.3,9.3 , location=47.3,9.3_40,10 , location=germany |
elevation |
in meters ASL: elevation=<elevation> |
elevation=2500 |
parameters |
specify all parameters of interest: parameters=<comma separated parameter list> |
parameters=t_2m:C,wind_speed_10m:ms |
startdate |
find all stations that record data at least since this date: startdate=<iso timestamp> |
startdate=2017-10-01T00Z (find all stations that are active since this date or before) |
enddate |
find all stations that record data at least until this date: enddate=<iso timestamp> |
enddate=2017-11-01T00Z (find all stations that are active until this date or later) |
Query for all stations on the globe no matter which parameters are measured:
https://api.meteomatics.com/find_station -
Query for all stations in Germany that measure precipitation at a height of approximately 300 m above sea level. The vertical offset from the selected height is given in a separate column Vertical Distance in the output:
https://api.meteomatics.com/find_station?location=germany¶meters=precip_1h:mm&elevation=300 -
Find stations for a coordinate that measure temperature since Jan 1st, 2018 or earlier. The horizontal offset from the selected coordinate is given in meter in a separate column Horizontal Distance in the output:
Station Category;Station Type;ID Hash;WMO ID;Alternative IDs;Name;Location Lat,Lon;Elevation;Start Date;End Date;Horizontal Distance;Vertical Distance;Effective Distance
SYNOP;SYNO;21270887;;SUA;Schaan / Untere Au;47.187,9.49068;444m;2018-05-09T06:30:00Z;2021-01-27T07:20:00Z;-999;-999;-999
SYNOP;SYNO;75006491;;TEU;Teufen, AR;68.7279,21.124;834m;2017-12-03T06:00:00Z;2021-01-26T06:00:00Z;-999;-999;-999
Missing Data/Data Gaps
It is possible to specify the treatment of missing station values. Therefore, the optionon_invalid
has to be added to the query.
Identifier | Description |
fail |
Send an error message as soon as data is missing (default) |
fill_with_invalid |
Replace invalid and missing data by -999. |
Available weather station parameters
The weather parameters that can be queried, depend on the parameters that are recorded at the desired weather station. For a general overview of available weather station parameters, please see: available weather station parameters.
Example queries
Query for the station observations for temperature and wind speed for Bern via WMO ID:
https://api.meteomatics.com/2025-03-24T00Z--2025-03-25T00Z:PT1H/t_2m:C,wind_speed_10m:ms/wmo_066700/html?source=mix-obs&on_invalid=fill_with_invalid -
Query for the station observations for temperature and wind speed for Zurich airport via METAR ID:
https://api.meteomatics.com/2025-03-24T00Z--2025-03-25T00Z:PT1H/t_2m:C,wind_speed_10m:ms/metar_LSZH/html?source=mix-obs&on_invalid=fill_with_invalid -
By using the
sign you can combine both stations into one query with csv as output format:+
https://api.meteomatics.com/2025-03-24T00Z--2025-03-25T00Z:PT1H/t_2m:C,wind_speed_10m:ms/metar_LSZH+wmo_066700/csv?source=mix-obs&on_invalid=fill_with_invalid -
Query temperature and ocean current speed from buoy observations for Vieques Island (Puerto Rico) via WMO ID:
https://api.meteomatics.com/2022-05-17T00Z--2022-05-18T00Z:PT1H/t_2m:C,ocean_current_speed:cms/wmo_410560/html?source=mix-obs&on_invalid=fill_with_invalid -
Query sea surface temperature and significant wave height from buoy observations for Canaveral East via WMO ID:
https://api.meteomatics.com/2022-05-17T00Z--2022-05-18T00Z:PT1H/t_sea_sfc:C,significant_wave_height:m/wmo_410100/html?source=mix-obs&on_invalid=fill_with_invalid -
Query temperature and wind speed from buoy observations for Middle Rock Light (Alaska) via C-MAN ID:
Stations across an area
By using a GetFeature
-Request, it is possible to query station data within a specified bounding box. The request is constructed as follows:
Currently there are two available station feature types: stations_mix-obs
, which contains most of our combined observational data, and stations_mm-mos
for our MOS forecast.
Parameter | Description | Example |
TIME | A single point in time (UTC) as specified in the section Date/Time Description. TIME always refers to validdatetime. The response depends on the feature type, see the examples below. | TIME=2018-04-12T12:45Z |
BBOX | A bounding box specified by maximal and minimal latitude and longitude formatted according to BBOX=<min_lon,min_lat,max_lon,max_lat> (please note the order). The response will only contain features that are located within this area. If left unspecified, all available features will be returned. | BBOX=5.8,47.9,10.7,45.7 |
PARAMETERS | The parameters that you wish to query formatted as a comma-separated list as specified here. The DescribeFeatureType contains all the relevant parameters provided by the station type. For technical reasons the name of the XML node will have the colons (: ) replaced with an underscore (_ ), e.g. t_2m:C will end up as t_2m_C . For WFS purposes only you may also use this format in the queries. | t_2m:C,dew_point_2m:C or t_2m_C,dew_point_2m_C |
The response will be XML. More details on GetFeature
-Requests can be found here.
Query for station measurements of 2m temperature on April 12th 2018, at 13:00 UTC inside a bounding box around Switzerland:
MOS Forecasts
Model Output Statistics (MOS) is a statistical procedure in modern weather forecasting that uses multiple linear regression where predictants, such as air temperature and wind speed, are statistically linked to predictors. These predictors are forecasts from numerical weather prediction models and recent station observations. The MOS forecasts are updated each 30 minutes and have a lead time of 15 days with a temporal resolution of 1 hour.
In order to query MOS forecast data, the source has to be set to mm-mos
The station_id can be specified in the same way as for observational data (Weather Station Identifiers).
Find MOS Station
It is possible to get a list of available weather stations for which MOS forecasts are computed. Additional conditions can be specified in the same way as for observational data (Conditions). The output format is CSV.
Query for all stations on the globe for which MOS is available:
https://api.meteomatics.com/find_station?source=mm-mos -
Query for all stations in Germany that offer MOS prognoses for precipitation at a height of approximately 300 m above sea level. The vertical offset from the selected height is given in a separate column Vertical Distance in the output:
https://api.meteomatics.com/find_station?location=germany&parameters=precip_1h:mm&elevation=300&source=mm-mos -
Find a station for a coordinate for which MOS forecasts are available for temperature at least since July 1st, 2020. The horizontal offset from the selected coordinate is given in meter in a separate column Horizontal Distance in the output:
Station Category;Station Type;ID Hash;WMO ID;Alternative IDs;Name;Location Lat,Lon;Elevation;Start Date;End Date;Horizontal Distance;Vertical Distance;Effective Distance
MOS;MM_MOS_MIX;502424534;;M405;Moorgrund Gräfen-Nitzendorf;50.84,10.25;283m;2020-06-30T00:00:00Z;2021-02-11T00:00:00Z;21390;-55;41836.1
MOS;MM_MOS_MIX;4291112865;;P022;Ostheim v.d. Rhön;50.45,10.22;312m;2020-06-30T00:00:00Z;2021-02-11T00:00:00Z;33373.8;-26;43039.2
Available MOS weather parameters
The weather parameters for which a MOS forecast can be queried, depends on the parameters that are recorded at the desired weather station. For a general overview of available MOS weather parameters, please see: available MOS parameters
Example MOS queries
Query MOS forecast for temperature for Paris via WMO ID:
https://api.meteomatics.com/2025-03-25T00Z--2025-03-28T00Z:PT1H/t_2m:C/wmo_071570/html?source=mm-mos -
Query MOS forecast for temperature for London Heathrow via METAR ID: