Available Colormaps

IdentifierDescriptionWMS Legend Example
air_quality_indexColormap designed for air_quality_index:idx parameters.Air quality index
blue_magentaColormap with customed markings for precipitation. The inverted version is magenta_blue without customed markers.Blue magenta
blue_to_redColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling. Also exists as an inverted version called red_to_blue.Blue to red
bluesColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling, where the smallest value corresponds to white and the largest to blue. An inverted colormap blues_inverted is available.Blues
blues_invertedInversion of blues, where the largest value corresponds to white and the smallest to blue.Blues inverted
capeDesigned for the convective available potential energy cape:Jkg parameter.Cape
ceiling_height_airmetDesigned for ceiling_height_agl:<unit> parameter for AIRMET with transparency for higher values.Ceiling height airmet
ceiling_height_segmentedDesigned for ceiling_height_agl:<unit> parameter.Ceiling height segmented
cin_segmentedDesigned for cin:Jkg parameter.Cin segmented
cloud_typeSegmented colormap specifically created to display different cloud types.Cloud type
dust_concentrationSegmented colormap to use for dust concentration parameters.Dust concentration
dust_densitySegmented colormap to use for dust density parameters.Dust density
dwd_radar_5minSegmented colormap intended to be used for DWD radar data.Dwd radar 5min
dwd_warningsSegmented colormap intended to be used for warn parameters. It is based on a colormap for warnings from DWD.Dwd warnings
fresh_snow_long_intervalSegmented colormap specifically designed for the fresh_snow_<interval>:cm parameter during long accumulation intervals.Fresh snow long interval
fresh_snow_short_intervalSegmented colormap specifically designed for the fresh_snow_<interval>:cm parameter during short accumulation intervals.Fresh snow short interval
grayColormap with fixed parameter-dependent scaling, where the smallest value corresponds to black and the largest to white. An inverted colormap gray_inverted is available.Gray
gray_invertedInversion of gray, where the largest value corresponds to black and the smallest to white.Gray inverted
gray_transparentGrayscale from transparent to white.Gray transparent
gray_transparent_darkGrayscale from transparent to gray.Gray transparent dark
greens_shiftedColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling, where the smallest value corresponds to white and the largest to green.Greens shifted
heavy_rain_warning_europe_segmented / incessant_rain_warning_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap from transparent to red, intended to be used for heavy rain warnings or incessant rain warnings over Europe.Heavy rain warning europe segmented
jetColormap with fixed parameter-dependent scaling that goes from blue to red with green in between. An inverted version jet_inverted is available.Jet
jet_invertedInversion of jet, where the smallest values correspond to red and the largest to blue.Jet inverted
jet_segmentedA segmented version of jet with 40 steps.Jet segmented
jet_segmented_invertedInversion of jet_segmented.Jet segmented inverted
jetstreamAdapted version of jet with transparency for low values.Jetstream
land_usageColormap intended to be used for the land_usage:idx parameter.Land usage
lifted_index_globalA colormap specifically created to display the subtle changes of the lifted index on a global scale.Lifted index global
lifted_index_global_segmentedA segmented version of lifted_index_global.Lifted index global segmented
lightning_europe_transparentYellow scale from transparent to yellow.Lightning europe transparent
magenta_blueInversion of blue_magenta, where small values correspond to magenta and large values to blue.Magenta blue
msg_h03b / msg_h60bColormap used for Eumetsat Multi-Sensor Precipitation estimate data.Msg h03b
negative_cold_index_segmentedColormap intended to be used for the cold_index:idx parameter.Negative cold index segmented
negative_index_segmentedSegmented colormap from green to red, intended to be used for parameters where higher values correspond to more problematic/dangerous conditions.Negative index segmented
periodicPeriodic colormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling. Best used for periodic quantities like directions. An inverted version periodic_inverted is available.Periodic
periodic_invertedInversion of periodic.Periodic inverted
plasmaColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling that goes from purple to yellow. An inverted version plasma_invertedis available.Plasma
plasma_invertedInversion of plasma, where the smallest values correspond to yellow and the largerst to purple.Plasma inverted
pollen_grains_largeColormap designed for displaying large pollen grains.Pollen grains large
pollen_grains_mediumColormap designed for displaying medium pollen grains.Pollen grains medium
pollen_grains_smallColormap designed for displaying small pollen grains.Pollen grains small
pollen_europe_segmentedColormap designed for displaying pollen data.Pollen europe segmented
pollen_segmentedColormap designed for displaying pollen data.Pollen segmented
positive_index_segmentedSegmented colormap from transparent to orange and green, designed for parameters where higher values mean more favourable conditions.Positive index segmented
precip_day_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap intended to be used for displaying number of precipitation days in Europe.Precip day europe segmented
precip_europe / precip_europe_segmentedColormap developed for displaying precipitation across Europe.Precip europe
precip_layer_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap specifically developed for displaying different precipitation types and their intensity over Europe. Precip layer europe segmented
precip_segmentedSegmented colormap specifically developed for displaying precipitation. Precip segmented
precip_type_intensity_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap specifically developed for displaying different precipitation types and their intensity over Europe.Precip type intensity europe segmented
precip_type_intensity_segmentedSegmented colormap specifically developed for displaying different precipitation types and their intensity.Precip type intensity segmented
precip_type_segmentedSegmented colormap specifically developed for displaying different precipitation types.Precip type segmented
precip_type_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap specifically developed for displaying different precipitation types over Europe. Precip type europe segmented
precip_usa_segmentedColormap with fixed parameter dependent logarithmic scaling, developed for displaying precipitation according to US standards.Precip usa segmented
prismColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling, but without a one-to-one correspondence between values and colors. An inverted version prism_inverted is available.Prism
prism_invertedInversion of prism.Prism inverted
radar_logColormap with fixed parameter dependent logarithmic scaling, developed for displaying precipitation.Radar log
radar_segmentedAn alternative to display precipitation.Radar segmented
red_to_blueInversion of blue_to_red, where small values correspond to red and large to blue.Red to blue
red_yellow_greenAn inverted traffic light, useful e.g. for visibility where lower values correspond to more problematic situations.Red yellow green
redsColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling, where the smallest value corresponds to white and the largest to red. An inverted version reds_inverted is available.Reds
reds_invertedInversion of reds, where small values correspond to red and large to white.Reds inverted
satellite_ir_cloudsDesigned for the satellite brightness temperature from orange to gray and with transparency for higher temperatures (the land surface tends to be transparent with this colormap).Satellite ir clouds
satellite_ir_clouds_greysDesigned for the satellite brightness temperature from white to black and with transparency for higher temperatures (the land surface tends to be transparent with this colormap).Satellite ir clouds greys
satellite_ir_coloredDesigned for displaying IR satellite data in color.Satellite ir colored
satellite_ir_water_vaporDesigned for displaying IR satellite water vapor for the sat_ir_062:C parameter, where green corresponds to wet/cold and red and orange correspond to dry/warm.Satellite ir water vapor
satellite_ndviDesigned for the sat_ndvi:idx parameter (normalised difference vegetation index).Satellite ndvi
seismicColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling, similar to blue_to_red but with stronger colors. An inverted version seismic_inverted is available.Seismic
seismic_invertedInversion of seismic, where small values correspond to red and large to blue.Seismic inverted
snow_depthSegmented colormap specifically designed for the parameter snow_depth:<unit>.Snow depth
storm_warningSegmented colormap intended to be used for storm warnings.Storm warning
sunshine_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap intended to be used for sunshine_duration_<interval>:<unit> parameter in Europe.Sunshine europe segmented
surface_wind_speed_airmetColormap for surface wind_speed_<level>:<unit> for AIRMET with transparency for low values.Surface wind speed airmet
t_europeColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling developed to display temperatures in mid-lattitude areas throughout the whole year in pleasant colors.T europe
t_europe_segmentedA segmented colormap to display temperatures in mid-lattitude areas throughout the whole year in pleasant colors.T europe segmented
t_globalColormap with fixed parameter dependent scaling developed to display temperature on the whole globe throughout the whole year, focussing on subtle changes.T global
t_global_segmentedA segmented version of t_global.T global segmented
theta_e_globalColormap designed for theta_e_<level>:<unit>.Theta e global
theta_e_global_segmentedSegmented version of theta_e_global.Theta e global segmented
traffic_lightFrom red to green, best suited for warning parameters where low values correspond to higher risks.Traffic light
traffic_light_invertedFrom green to red, best suited for warning parameters where high values correspond to higher risks.Traffic light inverted
tstorm_warningSegmented colormap from transparent to red, intended to be used for thunderstorm warnings tstorm_warning_<interval>:idx.Tstorm warning
tstorm_warning_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap from transparent to red, intended to be used for thunderstorm warnings tstorm_warning_<interval>:idx over Europe.Tstorm warning europe segmented
turbulence_ellrod3_segmentedNon-linear segmented colormap from transparent to green and red, intended to be used for turbulence_ellrod_<level>:s2.Turbulence ellrod3 segmented
turbulence_segmentedNon-linear segmented colormap from blue to red, intended to be used for richardson_number_<level>:idx.Turbulence segmented
turbulence_segmented_invertedInverted version of turbulence_segmented.Turbulence segmented inverted
uv_index_europe_segmentedColormap with transparency for small values, desinged for displaying the UV index uv:idx.Uv index europe segmented
viridisColormap with fixed parameter-dependent scaling, where the smallest value corresponds to blue and the largest value to yellow. An inverted version viridis_inverted is available.Viridis
viridis_invertedInversion of viridis, where the largest value corresponds to blue and the smallest value to yellow.Viridis inverted
visibility_airmetDesigned for the visibility:<unit> parameter for AIRMET with transparency for high values.Visibility airmet
visibility_segmentedDesigned for the visibility:m parameter with transparency for high values.Visibility segmented
vorticity_segmentedSegmented colormap based on typical colormaps for vorticity, with saturated colors for higher values and faded colors for lower values.Vorticity segmented
wave_height_segmentedSegmented colormap from blue to red, developed for displaying wave heights.Wave height segmented
wind_gusts_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap with transparency for low values, intended to be used for displaying wind gusts wind_gusts_<level>_<interval>:<unit> over Europe.Wind gusts europe segmented
wind_shear_airmetSegmented colormap for wind_shear_<lower_level>_<upper_level>:<unit> for AIRMET with transparency for low values.Wind shear airmet
wind_speed_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap with transparency for low values, intended to be used for displaying wind speeds wind_speed_<level>:<unit> over Europe.Wind speed europe segmented
wind_warning_europe_segmentedSegmented colormap from transparent to red, intended to be used for wind_warning_<interval>:idx over Europe.Wind warning europe segmented