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Meteomatics Partners With Purecontrol for Smarter Sewage Management and Environmental Conservation

Akemi Narindal Aoki - Digital Marketing Manager
Dr. Akemi Narindal-Aoki
Sr. Content Marketing Manager

Purecontrol offers an AI-based system designed to analyze performance, anticipate needs and automate operations for water companies. In this use case, learn how Purecontrol integrates weather data from Meteomatics to forecast the impact of precipitation on sewage networks, resulting in an expected reduction in untreated water discharges into the environment of up to 70%.

Purecontrol's AI System Automates Water Facility Operations

Purecontrol specializes in artificial intelligence and automation solutions, primarily focusing on the water management sector. They address a wide range of use cases, such as pumping, filtration, distribution, collection, and wastewater treatment plant operations. Headquartered in France, the company has an extensive client portfolio that includes major operators.

Through the integration of both internal facility data (machine and equipment metrics) and external data sources (energy rates, carbon footprint, and weather information), Purecontrol's solution enables a comprehensive analysis of facility performance, a proactive response to external influences, and efficient automation of equipment. As a result, companies can significantly reduce energy consumption, operational costs and environmental impact.

Purecontrol Uses Weather Data To Manage Rainwater Harvesting and Storage

When considering the impact of weather on water, rainfall is the primary factor that comes to mind. While other weather parameters, such as temperature and wind, also influence natural water volumes, precipitation stands out as the main determinant. Indeed, heavy rainfall and flooding can present a variety of challenges to water utilities, including:

  • Overwhelming treatment plants with stormwater, potentially leading to untreated wastewater overflows.
  • Washing pollutants from urban areas and agricultural fields into water bodies.
  • Infiltrating systems and obstructing drainage, increasing the demand on pipes.


  • Meteomatics’ data ensures Purecontrol prevents environmental pollution.

  • Untreated water discharges are expected to decrease by 70%.

  • Meteomatics’ global data supports Purecontrol’s international expansion plans.

Purecontrol's system integrates weather data to predict near-future precipitation levels and anticipate plant operations. In addition to providing insights into the quality of incoming water, this data primarily assists in preventing or reducing untreated water overflows into the environment.

Yann Vicariot, Project Manager at Purecontrol, explains, "For instance, if our system detects heavy rainfall forecasted on the east side of a region, it can make the decision to store water in the western part of the sewer network to relieve the downstream lifting stations, thereby preventing overflow into the natural environment."

In essence, Purecontrol's intelligent tool orchestrates rainwater harvesting and storage, managing the flow of rainwater in accordance with the region's water network capacity.

what purecontrol does

Meteomatics’ Granular Spatial and Temporal Resolution Are Key to Purecontrol

Before partnering with Meteomatics, Purecontrol relied on other providers whose data lacked granularity. Gaston Gary, Python Developer at Purecontrol, explains, "They provided data with 1 to 3-hour time steps for only 3 locations for a given area — an agglomeration community, for example. It allowed us to get a general idea of precipitation patterns, but it was clearly insufficient for pinpointing where a stormflow was most likely to occur."

In contrast, Meteomatics offers high-resolution spatial and temporal precipitation nowcasts. Every 5 minutes, our Weather API receives live radar data and calculates predictions for every square kilometer over the next 2 hours. Gaston continues, "Meteomatics' data allows our system to precisely pinpoint when and where the water network may become overwhelmed and how to manage the flow accordingly. With this system, we can expect a reduction in untreated water discharges into the environment of up to 70%.”

G Gary
Gaston Gary
Python Developer
Meteomatics' data allows our system to precisely pinpoint when and where the water network may become overwhelmed and how to manage the flow accordingly. With this system, we can expect a reduction in untreated water discharges into the environment of up to 70%

Meteomatics Is a One-Stop Global Weather Information Source

At Meteomatics, we are thrilled about our partnership with Purecontrol, as it paves the way for us to assist water management stakeholders in effectively managing the impact of heavy rainfall and flooding on the environment.

Purecontrol is currently in the process of expanding into various European markets, and we're excited to be a part of this journey. With the Meteomatics Weather API, a single, comprehensive API that seamlessly integrates and calculates high-resolution global weather data, companies can effortlessly access weather information regardless of geographical boundaries.

Get in Touch With Us

In a world where climate change is leading to more frequent and severe weather events, the water industry is facing growing vulnerability.

We're here to offer support through our extensive global high-resolution weather data. Sign up for a free Weather API trial to begin testing our capabilities, or simply send us a message using the contact form below to receive a solution tailored to your specific use case.

We Work With Groundbreaking Companies

We are proud to work with leading companies in the water industry. Together, we realize efficiency benefits, better integration of renewables and help our partners realize digital innovations.

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