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Weather Insights To Support Risk Management

Weather Solutions for the Insurance Sector

Meteomatics' customers report:

  • 50% time savings on weather-related tasks
  • 30% cost savings through efficiency and risk mitigation
  • Improved product quality, reducing their customer complaints by 2/3

We Work With Groundbreaking Companies

Together with leading insurance companies, we leverage weather insights to enhance risk assessment, optimize claims management, and build climate resilience.

Ref normed Munich Re
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AXA Logo svg
Helvetia Insurance logo
Logo Maif 2019
Descartes Underwriting 740x4700 1
Schweizer hagel logo
Logo orakle v2 1
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Sensible Weather Logo
liberty specialty markets logo
Rym 2024
Rym Ben Hassine
Orakle Weather
Meteomatics was an obvious choice for us. It came highly recommended by a trusted contact in the insurance industry. After a two-month trial, we were indeed impressed by how user-friendly and flexible the Weather API is, making integration with our own API very easy, and the data quality is outstanding.
Guendalina Barloggio
Guendalina Barloggio
Research Associate
Schweizer Hagel
Right from the start, we were impressed by the extensive historical time series and the comprehensive spatial coverage of the weather data. We are highly satisfied with Meteomatics' solution and would readily recommend it to other insurance companies.
Rym 2024
Rym Ben Hassine
Orakle Weather
Meteomatics was an obvious choice for us. It came highly recommended by a trusted contact in the insurance industry. After a two-month trial, we were indeed impressed by how user-friendly and flexible the Weather API is, making integration with our own API very easy, and the data quality is outstanding.
Guendalina Barloggio
Guendalina Barloggio
Research Associate
Schweizer Hagel
Right from the start, we were impressed by the extensive historical time series and the comprehensive spatial coverage of the weather data. We are highly satisfied with Meteomatics' solution and would readily recommend it to other insurance companies.

Our Weather Solutions Driving Positive Impact for Our Insurance Customers

Schweizer hagel

Environmental Risk

Meteomatics' data helps Schweizer Hagel assess risk and determine insurance premiums for agri businesses. 

  • Access to Meteomatics' data results in significant time savings due to efficiency gains.

  • Schweizer Hagel and their customers benefit from fair and risk-appropriate insurance premiums.

  • Schweizer Hagel's customers can forecast crop weather risks with the Swiss Agro index.

Orakle Weather hero

Outdoor Activities

Meteomatics' data supports Orakle's B2B2C insurance coverage for outdoor activities.

  • Meteomatics’ forecasts support Orakle Weather’s innovative insurance offering. 
  • Accuracy of Meteomatics’ data ensures Orakle Weather maintains client trust. 
  • Seamless integration with Orakle Weather’s API enables smooth operations.
HRN 2023 BRANDED header image

Insurance Claims

Home Repair Network uses MetX Claims to check damage by cross-referencing claims with observed weather.

  • MetX Claim’s intuitive interface simplifies use for claims managers, leading to significant time savings.

  • Quick identification of address-specific weather conditions speeds up assessments, increasing efficiency.

  • Map visualization gives HRN a clear view of the weather situation in entire areas, supporting better decision making.

Meteomatics Solutions for the Insurance Industry

Weather Solutions Based on the Most Accurate Weather Data in the Market

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Weather API

Get weather forecasts for any location in the world downscaled to 90 meters. Through the Weather API, you get access to Meteomatics' exclusive high-resolution weather models capable of predicting even the most localized weather events, such as thunderstorms, hail, fog, and more.

Icon on picture metx claims

MetX Claims

Determine the validity of damage claims by comparing them against the observed weather conditions at a certain time and place.

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MetX - Weather Maps

Visualize weather events in real time and high resolution on MetX, Meteomatics' web-based weather map tool that provides the precision and clarity you need to make informed decisions

Metetmatics Weather Intelligence API Illustration

Weather API

Everything you need on call

The Meteomatics Weather API simplifies weather data retrieval and processing, enabling users to access large volumes of data quickly and effortlessly.

Weather Parameters for Insurance

Real-Time Hail Data

The Meteomatics hail size algorithm dynamically calculates hail size based on precipitation intensity and atmospheric instability parameters. These calculations occur in real time—before a storm has even ended—enabling insurers to quickly identify value at risk and affected policyholders.

After a hail event, footprints of maximum hail size can be swiftly retrieved and downloaded in standard GIS formats, such as JSON, for seamless integration into exposure management or claims platforms. Additionally, historical data is available at up to 5-minute resolution, allowing insurers to verify claims or assess property-level damage history.

Hail data can also be enriched with lightning strike, wind gust, and rainfall intensity data, providing a comprehensive view of severe convective storm events.

Fast and Flexible Access to Weather Data

  • One source, one interface: query multiple parameters simultaneously for single or multiple sites and entire areas
  • Query data in real time with a response time of a few milliseconds
  • Real-time access to several data petabytes thanks to unique data processing technology (Meteocache)
  • "On the fly" downscaling using topographic maps enables 90 meter resolution worldwide, greatly improving accuracy at the local level
  • High-resolution data available every minute
  • Highest data quality: over 1640 updates per day ensure accuracy and timelines
Met X Claims 4

MetX Claims

Simplify your claim management

MetX Claims enables every claim manager to easily double check weather conditions for specific claims and can be tailored to the company specific definitions for hail, rain, lightning and wind in one platform.

Tailored Claim Management

MetX Claims helps insurers determine the validity of damage claims by comparing them against the observed weather conditions at a certain time and place.

MetX Claims is ideal to verify the impact of weather on accidents including, but not limited to:

  • Car accidents
  • Roof collapses
  • Power line accidents
  • Outdoor equipment damage
  • Boat or watercraft accidents

Streamlined Claims Management Features for Insurers

  • Add insurance number
  • Combine claim number and query
  • Overview of all past claims
  • Based on company parameter definition
  • Possibility to add notes or information to each claim
  • Data export via PDF or Email
  • Web-based interface: no integration needed
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Gain Visual Insights With Weather Maps

MetX simplifies complex weather data by converting it into clear, easy-to-read maps. 

Visualize agricultural parameters on a weather map to get a clear view of weather impacts on field management, enabling faster, more confident decisions.

Insurance page precip and lightning
Insurance page hail and lightning

Talk to an Expert To Improve Your Insurance Operations

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Expert Call

Let’s Find the Perfect Solution to Your Problem. Talk to an Expert.