Weather station at the top of Mont Ventoux


Meteomatics Integrates Weather Data From Over 1900 New Stations in France and Austria

Akemi Narindal Aoki - Digital Marketing Manager
Dr. Akemi Narindal-Aoki
Sr. Content Marketing Manager

To ensure that Meteomatics generates the most accurate nowcasts and forecasts, we calibrate our models with the most recent data measured by weather stations around the globe. The more weather stations are integrated into our system, the more precise the calibration and the output data. This is key for all weather models, but especially for those with high update frequency and high spatial resolution, such as Meteomatics’ EURO1k.

That’s why we’re so happy to announce that we have just added 1703 new stations from France and 228 from Austria to our European weather stations collection.

Now that cooler temperatures are settling in throughout the continent, these additions are particularly valuable for the renewable energy sector.

With temperatures going down and electricity demand going up, it’s even more important for providers to have accurate forecasts both for their wind and solar power plants locations and for the regions they serve.

The aggregation of the latest observations of temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, solar radiation, and cloud cover improves the current representation of the atmosphere’s state and consequently the model output. With such forecasts, energy providers can better predict demand and production, manage storage capacities, and plan distribution.

Have a look at the images below to see the impressive before and after comparison!

Weather Stations in France

Before: Weather stations in France up to September 28th 2022

Weather stations france before

After: Weather stations in France from September 28th 2022 onwards

weather stations in france

Note: historical data from the new stations is available for consultation from June 13th 2022

Weather Stations in Austria

Before: Weather stations in Austria up to September 28th 2022

weather stations austria

After: Weather stations in Austria from September 28th 2022 onwards

weather stations austria

Note: historical data from the new stations is available for consultation from August 20th 2022

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