Meteomatics Pettern gray
Service Level Agreement

Service Level Agreement

Meteomatics Weather API, MetX, MetX Claims, RDT, Meteomatics AG, April 24

1 Categories of Service Level Agreement

1.1 SLA – Standard

Meteomatics aims an API uptime of 99% in respect to a period of 1 month. For the calculation of this availability, reasonable maintenance times will not be noted. Necessary preventive maintenance work will be carried out by Meteomatics in times of low usage and will be communicated to the Customer with reasonable notice in writing if the availability of the services is affected.

For technical issues Meteomatics Support is available 24/7/365 by e-mail: [email protected].

Compensation: none

1.2 SLA – Extended Support

Meteomatics guarantees an API uptime of 99,5% in respect to a period of 1 month. For the calculation of this availability, reasonable maintenance times will not be noted. Necessary preventive maintenance work will be carried out by Meteomatics in times of low usage and will be communicated to the Customer at least 3 working days in advance in writing if the availability of the services is affected.

  • For technical issues Meteomatics Support is available 24/7/365 by e-mail: [email protected]. An answer is guaranteed within 1 working day.
  • In addition, Meteomatics provides first level support by phone. Major and moderate issues will be escalated internally and solved within 2 working days.


If Meteomatics does not meet the agreed Service Level Agreement regarding the availability of the Weather API, Meteomatics will grant the customer the following compensation:

Availability < 99% = 2 months free use of the Weather API after the end of the contract period and according to the contract package. In case of continuation of the contract the costs will be credited for 2 months. Alternatively, the existing package can be upgraded in the following contract year for 2 months to the next higher package with the same scope of options.

Availability 99% - 99,5% = 1-month free use of the Weather API after the end of the contract period and according to the contract package. In case of continuation of the contract the costs will be credited for 1-months. Alternatively, the existing package can be upgraded in the following contract year for 1-month to the next higher package with the same scope of options.

1.3 SLA – Priority Support

Meteomatics guarantees an API uptime of 99,9% in respect to a period of 1 month. For the calculation of this availability, reasonable maintenance times will not be noted. Necessary preventive maintenance work will be carried out by Meteomatics in times of low usage and will be communicated to the Customer at least 3 working days in advance in writing if the availability of the services is affected.

  • For technical issues Meteomatics Support is available 24/7/365 by e-mail: [email protected]. An answer is guaranteed within 4 hours during office time, otherwise within 24 hours. The request sent, need to originate from a preregistered sender. The customer needs to provide Meteomatics all relevant sender domains (e.g. *
  • In addition, Meteomatics provides first level support by phone. Major issues will be solved within 8h (also outside office hours) and moderate issues will be solved within 1 working day.
  • Access to Meteomatics API Monitoring: On request, Meteomatics will monitor the status of up to 10 customer defined queries and model update states. The customer can define an email or phone number to which any corresponding alerts will automatically be sent to.


If Meteomatics does not meet the agreed Service Level Agreement with regard to the availability of the Weather API, Meteomatics will grant the customer the following compensation:

Availability < 99% = 3 months free use of the Weather API after the end of the contract period and according to the contract package. In case of continuation of the contract the costs will be credited for 3 months. Alternatively, the existing package can be upgraded in the following contract year for 3 months to the next higher package with the same scope of options.

Availability 99% - 99,4% = 2 months free use of the Weather API after the end of the contract period and according to the contract package. In case of continuation of the contract the costs will be credited for 2 months. Alternatively, the existing package can be upgraded in the following contract year for 2 months to the next higher package with the same scope of options.

Availability 99,5% - 99,8% = 1-month free use of the Weather API after the end of the contract period and according to the contract package. In case of continuation of the contract the costs will be credited for 1 month. Alternatively, the existing package can be upgraded in the following contract year for 1-month to the next higher package with the same scope of options.

1.4 Meteomatics Weather API SLA Exclusions

The Meteomatics SLA does not apply to any Service(s) that expressly exclude this Meteomatics SLA (as stated in the documentation for such services) and any performance issues: (i) caused by factors outside of Meteomatics’ reasonable control; (ii) that resulted from any actions or inactions of Customer or any third parties; or (iii) that resulted from Customer's equipment and/or third-party equipment (not within the primary control of Meteomatics). This Meteomatics SLA states Customer's sole and exclusive remedy for any failure by Meteomatics to meet this Meteomatics SLA.

2 Appendix Monitoring

2.1 Sanesco

The Weather API has been operated since 2015 and its stability, functionality and documentation hardened and improved by the feedback of hundreds of longstanding customers.

Our IT operations team is 24/7 available. We monitor the systems at hardware level but extensively also at software and service level. For that purpose, we have a proprietary service monitoring tool called Sanesco:


Sanesco monitors the health state of more than 3000 production processes (e.g., data feeds, service end points, product generation). In case of a technical issues, it triggers an alarm via SMS or email. This automatically opens a ticket at our service desk. All of that is well monitored and documented such that our management can overview the different processes.

In addition, we monitor some of our services from external parties such as StatusCake.

2.2 API Source Status

Limited access to is granted to customers to get information about the status of single API sources, e.g., the high-res ECMWF model ecmwf-ifs. The customer can login to to request the status of the subscribed services or can be notified via email.

2.2.1 Status Page

The customer can login to to request the status of the subscribed services.

Status page

2.2.2 Notification via Email

Additionally, or alternatively, the customer can be subscribed to email updates, that report errors and the corresponding ok states.

Notification via email

2.3 API Query Status

Sanesco can monitor specific queries and inform if the queries fail. Through configuration files query specific status checks are configured and checked at a given interval (every 5 min by default).

An example configuration file for queries of a specific customer:

Api query status

The checked queries are then reported on the status page and/or reported via email. 

Example ok-states for specific Queries:

Ok states specific queries

2.4 External Uptime Monitoring

Additionally to the internal monitoring via Sanesco, the services are monitored through StatusCake ( Monthly reports are generated and can be provided on request for Priority Support Customers.

External uptime monitoring