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Solutions for the Water Industry

Solutions and Weather Data Tailored to Your Needs

Weather events have a direct and multifaceted impact on the operations of water utilities. While precipitation and temperature are two main factors that influence the equilibrium of reservoir water levels and the efficient functioning of critical infrastructure, numerous other weather-related factors can also significantly affect the water management industry.

Accurate weather information is therefore increasingly important in the water industry and can lead to distinct operational, financial and environmental benefits.

Explore Our Solutions

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Weather API

Get fast and easy access to the entire universe of weather data with our Weather API.

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Visualize every weather situation to stay ahead and to make better decisions with our Weather Visualization Map MetX.

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European weather model at 1km resolution: get accurate weather forecasts across Europe and make better decisions.

Why Is Weather Important for the Water Industry?

Improving Wastewater Treatment Processes

Weather can significantly influence wastewater treatment processes and systems. Heavy rainfall can overwhelm treatment plants with stormwater, potentially causing untreated wastewater overflows. Temperature extremes, whether cold or hot, can damage equipment and impact treatment efficiency. Stormwater runoff introduces pollutants into sewage systems, affecting treatment outcomes, while power outages during severe weather disrupt treatment operations. Flooding can compromise treatment facilities and introduce pollutants. Seasonal changes, like algal blooms in warmer weather, and hydraulic overload from rapid snowmelt can also challenge treatment systems. Coastal areas are vulnerable to saltwater intrusion, which affects treatment processes.

To manage these weather-related challenges, wastewater operators and authorities can implement resilient facility designs, emergency response plans for power outages and flooding, weather-responsive process adjustments, pre-treatment of stormwater, and regular equipment maintenance and inspections. These measures ensure effective and reliable wastewater treatment while minimizing the operational and environmental impact of weather-related issues.

Managing Water Supply Efficiently

Water availability is heavily influenced by weather conditions, including precipitation, temperature and wind. Adequate rainfall replenishes rivers, lakes, reservoirs and groundwater, ensuring a stable water supply. Conversely, insufficient rainfall can lead to water scarcity and drought, while heavy rainfall can cause flooding, affecting water quality. High temperatures accelerate evaporation from surface bodies, reducing water levels, particularly in arid areas. Warm temperatures can also lead to rapid snowmelt in mountainous regions, potentially causing flooding. Wind-driven evaporation worsens water scarcity during dry and windy conditions, and extreme weather events like hurricanes disrupt water supply systems.

In regions with distinct wet and dry seasons, water availability varies, influenced by monsoons and seasonal shifts. To address these weather-related challenges, communities and water management authorities must implement strategies for water conservation, sustainable resource management, infrastructure resilience and disaster preparedness. These measures help ensure reliable access to clean and safe water despite changing weather patterns and extreme events.

Continuous Enhancement of Water Quality

Weather plays a crucial role in water quality as it can influence various processes affecting the condition of water bodies. Rising sea levels due to climate change can lead to saltwater intrusion into coastal groundwater, reducing freshwater supply. Heavy rainfall can wash pollutants from urban areas and agricultural fields into water bodies, negatively impacting water quality. Runoff during storms carries sediment, nutrients, pesticides, and bacteria into water sources, leading to contamination and reduced quality.

Higher temperatures can encourage harmful algal blooms, releasing toxins. Wind can stir up sediments, reducing water clarity, and stormwater systems can overflow, contaminating water. Drought reduces dilution of pollutants in rivers.

To mitigate these impacts, measures include erosion control, stormwater management, regular water quality monitoring and forecasting, improved sewage treatment, and sustainable land use practices. Understanding how weather affects water quality is essential for effective management and conservation, ensuring clean and safe water for both humans and the environment.

Regulating Water Pressure

Weather conditions can have notable effects on water pressure within distribution systems. Cold weather can lead to frozen pipes, causing cracks or bursts that reduce water flow and pressure. Conversely, hot weather can cause water expansion, increasing pressure and potentially leading to leaks. Atmospheric pressure variations associated with weather systems like storms can cause minor fluctuations in water pressure. Heavy rainfall can infiltrate systems, increasing demand and affecting pressure, while flooding and runoff can clog drainage, reducing pressure in certain areas.

Altitude, wind, barometric changes, aging infrastructure, and high demand also play roles in water pressure variations during extreme weather. Water utilities employ pressure management systems to monitor and regulate pressure levels, ensuring a consistent and reliable water supply to consumers regardless of weather-related influences.

Meteomatics Weather Data for Global Water Resource Management

Countries around the world employ various approaches to manage water resources, which can differ significantly based on local conditions, infrastructure, and government policies. Some nations prioritize centralized water management and infrastructure development, while others rely more on decentralized and community-based systems. However, a common thread among all countries is the need for accurate and timely weather data to make informed decisions about water resource management.

Meteomatics, with its comprehensive weather data and forecasting capabilities, can assist countries regardless of their management approaches by providing crucial information to optimize water allocation, plan for droughts and floods, and enhance overall water resource management strategies, ensuring sustainable and efficient use of this vital resource.

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Meteomatics Solutions for the Water Industry

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Weather API

Everything you need on call

Meteomatics Weather API removes the complexity of handling and processing weather data, allowing users to retrieve large volumes of weather data quickly.

Our Weather API

Your Benefits

  • One source, one interface: query multiple parameters simultaneously for single or multiple sites and entire areas.
  • Query data in real time with a response time of a few milliseconds
  • Real-time access to over 7 petabytes thanks to unique data processing technology (Meteocache)
  • "On the fly" downscaling using topographic maps enables 90 meter resolution worldwide, greatly improving accuracy at the local level
  • High resolution of data per minute
  • Highest data quality: over 1640 updates per day ensure accuracy and timelines
Alessia Onnis
Data Scientist
Anglian Water
Now that we have all the information we need in one place, it has significantly improved the time taken to investigate the potential breaches.

Explore the Power of Our Weather Visualization Map

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MetX Visualization Map

With weather maps, weather data can be made accessible to all

MetX is a web-based tool based on the weather API developed by Meteomatics. A weather map is used to display complex weather data and can easily visualize conditions. With our software for the visualization of weather data, we offer you a high-performance solution to gain more insights and thus make better decisions based on the weather situation.


Advantages and Benefits

  • the calculation of weather data in real time when zooming or changing views
  • a high spatial resolution of 90 meters: based on the NASA terrain model, measuring points are calculated every 90 meters and the weather data are scaled down accordingly
  • high temporal resolution of one minute
  • the possibility to use different maps like topographic maps, border maps, aeronautical maps etc.
  • the use of layers to display different weather parameters
  • clear display of up to 4 maps on one screen (quartering of the screen)
  • data export for each point on the map
  • individual solutions for your weather map on request
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Learn From Our Use Cases

This is how we improve our clients' business with our approach.

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Anglian Water

The water company utilizes Meteomatics’ weather data to track and predict how weather events impact its key infrastructure. In this use case, learn how our precipitation data is helping Anglian Water analyze its storm overflow data and investigate its compliance with the goal of preventing events such as pollutions, leakage and water quality incidents.

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Purecontrol offers an AI-based system designed to analyze performance, anticipate needs and automate operations for water companies. In this use case, learn how Purecontrol integrates weather data from Meteomatics to forecast the impact of precipitation on sewage networks, resulting in an expected reduction in untreated water discharges into the environment of up to 70%.

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Flood Modeling Part 1

Decision makers in multiple arenas might find application for the delineation of a watershed. In this article, we show how you can determine catchment areas and flow rates for any body of water using Meteomatics’ highly resolved elevation data, available through our API.

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Flood Modeling Part 2

Suppose you're in the process of planning housing or infrastructure development, and you need to assess the flood risk associated with your projects in specific locations. In this article, we will demonstrate how to use Meteomatics' elevation data as a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to define watersheds for modeling flood risk zones along riverbanks.

We Work With Groundbreaking Companies

We are proud to work with leading companies in the water industry. Together, we realize efficiency benefits, better integration of renewables and help our partners realize digital innovations.

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Anglian water
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