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80% of Leading European Electricity Companies Choose Meteomatics

Akemi Narindal Aoki - Digital Marketing Manager
Dr. Akemi Narindal-Aoki
Sr. Content Marketing Manager

As weather conditions have an immense impact on power plants operations, electricity companies partner exclusively with top-tier weather data providers. We’re proud to share that the electricity companies with the highest power capacity in Europe have chosen the Meteomatics Weather API as their trusted source of weather data.

Electricity Companies Partner Exclusively with the Finest Weather Data Providers

Weather conditions impact various areas of power plant operations, including:

  • Energy consumption and demand: Weather conditions contribute to shaping how individuals and companies utilize energy, for example, low temperatures increase heating energy usage, while high temperatures spike air conditioning demand.
  • Renewable energies production: The production of renewable energies experiences significant fluctuations that are influenced both by daily weather conditions and seasonal variations.
  • Power plant infrastructure: Weather conditions can stress and damage power plants infrastructure. For example, wildfires and hurricanes specifically impact transmission lines, while droughts can damage the reservoirs of hydropower plants. The weather (e.g. temperature) also has a direct effect on the transmission capacity of high-voltage lines.

Learn more on how the weather impacts the energy sector on our dedicated page:

Given the immense significance of weather for electricity companies, they cannot afford to rely on inaccurate weather data. Therefore, they exclusively consider the services of the best weather data providers.

The Preferred Choice of 4 Out of 5 Leading European Electricity Companies

A study by Global Data revealed that Électricité de France, Enel, Iberdrola, Engie and Fortum are the top five power plant owners in Europe by capacity. Collectively, these companies have an accumulated installed capacity of nearly half a million megawatts.

We are proud to share that four out of the top five power companies have chosen the Meteomatics Weather API as their main source of weather data.

Among the key reasons for their choice, the following stands out: Data variety, data integration and usage flexibility, data accuracy and the Meteomatics Customer Service.

Unique Data Variety

The Weather API provides a wide range of weather models and data sources, including global, European, regional, and oceanic models. It covers various types of data such as radar, satellite, remote sensing, station observations, MOS prognoses, climate scenarios, and over 1800 parameters to cater to different requirements.

Additionally, one of the most valuable subproducts offered by the Meteomatics Weather API is our energy forecasts specifically designed for solar, wind and hydropower. These forecasts are generated using our Power MIX model, which leverages the best available data for the queried parameters and locations. Features include, for example:

  • Photovoltaic system conditions: Panel orientations, size of the system in square meters, module inclination, alignment of the system, efficiency.
  • Downscaled solar parameters: Radiation data for the site, including direct, diffuse, and global radiation; cumulative sunshine duration; sunrise and sunset times; relative sunshine duration; UV index; sun azimuth angle; sun elevation angle; and clear sky radiation information.
  • Wind turbine conditions: Rotor area, hub height of the turbines, turbine type, size of the wind farm, alignment.
  • Downscaled wind parameters: Instantaneous wind speed and wind direction at any hub height, wind speed and wind direction during a specific interval, wind gusts, airtight information.
  • Hydropower plant conditions: Size and type of the plant, type of turbines, efficiency, information on the entire geographical catchment area, including rivers, dams, and connecting pipes between basins.
  • Downscaled hydro parameters: Precipitation, snowmelt, radiation, soil moisture, air temperature, evaporation.
  • Live data for solar, wind and hydro production: Energy values, the number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) generated per 15 minutes, planned plant capacity.
  • Power line oscillation warnings: Historical power line oscillation warnings from the past 24 hours.
  • And many more: Contact us to learn more.
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Data Integration and Usage Flexibility

Flexibility in data integration and usage is crucial for stakeholders in the energy sector because it eliminates the need for adopting new tools, implementing new dashboards, and altering existing processes.

Data Integration

We prioritize delivering complex weather data in a user-friendly format, making it easy to integrate into existing workflows.


We provide connectors for multiple programming languages and programs to streamline the integration process. Connectors include:

Output formats

Weather information needs to be stored or further processed. Known output formats ensure that the weather data you obtain via our Weather API can be output according to your needs:

Data Usage

Our platform offers flexibility not only for data integration but also for data usage. With our platform, you can easily:

  • Choose between different models
  • Compare real-time data from various sources
  • Incorporate new sources
  • Access data for any location without limitations
  • Access datasets in real time, enabling real-time adjustments to your trading strategy

Adding more locations or expanding data parameters is quick and straightforward, with no barriers. This flexibility allows you to initiate projects immediately, promoting innovation without unnecessary waiting times.

For a compelling example of how the energy sector benefits from flexible access to weather data, you can read our customer story on how Meteomatics empowers BKW, enabling the company to respond quickly to new requirements, while also reducing costs and improving forecast quality.

Data Accuracy

We utilize Meteocache, a sophisticated background caching system that stores a vast array of observations. This system enables us to efficiently recalculate large volumes of data, empowering the Weather API to continuously update forecasts with the latest atmospheric information. By employing advanced interpolation techniques, we utilize NASA's 90m digital terrain model to offer downscaled output data at an exceptional resolution of 90m. This not only enhances local accuracy but also enables hyperlocal forecasting, making it highly relevant for the energy sector.

In forecast benchmarking exercises by HivePower and, Meteomatics emerged as the most accurate weather forecaster. HivePower found Meteomatics to be one of the few providers allowing easy retrieval of archived historical weather forecasts, critical for training their machine learning models accurately. appreciated Meteomatics' data granularity, frequent updates, and seamless integration, which enriched their services and resulted in significant financial savings for their clients, sometimes amounting to millions of Euros annually.


Moreover, our EURO1k European weather model offers an exceptional 1 km resolution, covering Europe and select regions in northern Africa.

Excitingly, stakeholders in the energy sector will soon gain even greater benefits from EURO1k. Starting this summer, traders can utilize the power of EURO1k for day-ahead trading, thanks to the introduction of a new 48-hour run. Additionally, they will have the option to incorporate EURO1k into the Meteomatics Power MIX model, further enhancing energy forecasts.

Verification studies have demonstrated that EURO1k exhibits superior overall performance compared to ECMWF, particularly for parameters such as wind and temperature. To learn more, please request the EURO1k whitepaper to our Sales team by emailing [email protected].

Meteomatics Customer Service

We prioritize exceptional customer service. Our dedicated team takes pride in delivering fast response times and offering round-the-clock customer support. We understand the importance of promptly addressing customer inquiries and providing valuable advice to our clients.

Moreover, we continually update our comprehensive Documentation with the latest technical updates, providing guidance on using the Weather API. Tutorial videos are available on our Youtube channel, and we regularly share updates and information through email newsletters and social media postings.

With a commitment to a high level of service, we strive to ensure that our customers receive the support they need whenever they need it.

Contact Us To Receive a Customized Offer Tailored Specifically to the Needs of Your Power Plant

These partnerships highlight the high level of trust that these industry leaders have placed in our weather data solutions.

Amidst the complex global energy landscape, Meteomatics stands by the side of energy companies and stakeholders, helping them tackle the current challenges head-on.

We're here to provide customized solutions that perfectly fit your company's needs. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us using the contact form below or via our live chat. We're ready to assist you!

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