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EURO1k More Powerful Than Ever

15-minute Native Temporal Resolution and a 72-Hour Lead Time

Akemi Narindal Aoki - Digital Marketing Manager
Dr. Akemi Narindal-Aoki
Sr. Content Marketing Manager

EURO1k users now have access to even more detailed and reliable weather data. We increased the model’s native temporal resolution from 20 to 15 minutes and extended its lead time from 48 to 72 hours, all while maintaining its unique 1 km spatial resolution.

Capturing Weather Variability Even Better: Four Time Steps Per Hour

Higher temporal resolution means greater detail and better insights for industries where accurate and timely weather data is critical.

By increasing EURO1k’s native temporal resolution from 20 minutes to 15 minutes, Meteomatics sets yet a new standard in weather modeling. Five minutes may not seem like much, but over the course of an hour, it means delivering four forecast values instead of three — a 33% increase in granularity!

As illustrated in the plots below, higher temporal resolution significantly enhances the ability to capture weather variability in greater detail.

EURO1k in a Nutshell

  • A fine spatial resolution of 1 km (further downscaled to 90m)
  • A high temporal resolution of 15 minutes.
  • Forecast lead time of 72 hours.
  • Geographical coverage across all of Europe.
  • Hourly updates, integrating all available measurement and observation data from Europe.
  • Exclusive integration of weather data captured by Meteodrones (Meteomatics' weather drones).
  • Availability of over 1800 weather parameters.
  • Provision of real-time data and historical data
  • Boundary condition: ECMWF-IFS.
T2m SG time series 1
100m wind speed Alkmaar2 2
No station data is available for 100 m wind speeds.
Globrad Lugano 1

Benefits for the Energy Sector

Preparing for 15-Minute Power Trading in Europe

Currently, European day-ahead energy trading uses 60-minute intervals. Starting in January 2025, markets will switch to 15-minute intervals, as approved by the EU’s energy regulator ACER. This change is designed to handle the growing use of renewable energy and make energy trading more flexible.

With its 15-minute forecasts, EURO1k is ready to support this transition, offering the precision needed for the new trading structure.

Load Management: The Role of 15-Minute Intervals in Energy Pricing

Energy use is measured in kilowatts and calculated as an average over specific time intervals, typically 15 minutes. During peak demand, energy suppliers charge based on the highest recorded average consumption in these intervals.

EURO1k’s 15-minute temporal resolution is particularly relevant here, as it provides the high-frequency, precise weather data needed to predict fluctuations in energy production and consumption. By delivering accurate forecasts aligned with the same 15-minute billing intervals, EURO1k helps businesses anticipate demand spikes and optimize their energy use.

More Efficient Mid-Term Planning: 72-Hour Lead Time

While 48-hour forecasts are ideal for short-term decisions, 72-hour forecasts offer a broader perspective for mid-term planning. They help identify trends that could affect energy prices and market positions beyond the usual 24-48 hour trading window, effectively spanning weekends too.

Another key advantage of a 72-hour forecast is helping operators prepare for extreme weather. Knowing about a storm three days in advance allows them to strengthen infrastructure, organize resources, and plan for possible outages. This reduces disruptions and speeds up recovery.

EURO1k's Technical Specifications

  • Computing Effort: Approximately 60,000 CPUs needed, across 300 HPC compute nodes.
  • Data Storage Capacity: Around 20 GB per file, equating to 1.5 TB for each run (one model computation of EURO1k for 24 hours), which totals approximately 1000 TB per month.
  • Model Coverage in Grid Points: Approximately 4600 (north-south) x 4300 (east-west), resulting in around 20 million grid points.
  • Vertical Levels: 80 levels, with intervals of 10 - 100 meters steps/intervals.

Benefits for Your Business

  • Renewable Energy: Get more accurate wind and solar production forecasts

  • Energy Trading: Improve intraday and day-ahead market strategies

  • Grid Stability: Balance supply and demand during peak loads and extreme weather

  • Energy Storage: Plan battery charging and discharging efficiently

  • Cost Savings: Reduce imbalance costs

  • Maintenance: Schedule preventive maintenance based on weather risks

  • Severe Weather Planning: Optimize resource allocation to respond to storm-related outages

High-Performance Computer Cluster Powers EURO1k

We upgraded our high-performance computing cluster to provide the additional power needed to enhance EURO1k’s temporal resolution and extend its lead time.

This upgrade is a key part of our collaboration with the Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE). As part of the project, Meteomatics will deploy 30 Meteodrones across Norway, using EURO1k to process the large volume of data from the Meteodrones, improving weather forecasts and supporting Scandinavia’s transition to renewable energy. The enhanced capabilities of EURO1k will benefit not only Scandinavia but all of Europe.

meteomatics computer cluster

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EURO1k is an exceptional high-resolution numerical weather model developed by Meteomatics, covering Europe and parts of North Africa with a 1-kilometer resolution. It is the first and only model in Europe to achieve such fine resolution, accurately capturing even the smallest meteorological phenomena, including thunderstorms, hail, and storms.
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