MetX can also visualise weather data through the plot function. When adding a new tab or changing the Tab Layout to more panels, click on ”Add Plot” and chose the "Default" Plot option.
The default adjustments include an overview of the 2m temperature over the following 7 days.

In the Layer Stack, the user can change the title of the chart, select a date-time range and change the location for which weather data is displayed. The chart title is changed by clicking on ”Untitled Chart” and typing into the blank field that appears. The user can select a specific date and time with the time navigation at the bottom of the map to get a timeseries of the following 7 days of the selected date or the user can define a date-time range by clicking on the little pencil next to the ”Date-Time range” right below the chart title. A new window opens, where the user can define the start and end date as well as the start and end time of the plot. Furthermore, the temporal resolution of the displayed parameter can be defined in the interval section.

Clicking the ”Apply” button leads to an output like the following:

Directly below the ”Date-Time range”, the location can be modified by clicking on the little pencil next to the ”Latitude / Longitude” information. A small window opens, where the user is able to enter latitude/longitude or a specific address. Below the location information in the layer stack, the ”Style” options enable the user to modify the appearance of the plot title and legend.

The user can also change the appearance of the parameter shown in the plot. Model source, parameter, format, unit, and level can be adjusted. In addition, the user can decide to use calibrated data (model data calibrated by station observations) or to change the color, series type, line type and the Y-Axis scale.

The ”Thresholds” section adds an additional color based on a threshold, which can be determined by the user. For example, if the 2m temperature falls below 0 degrees Celsius, the temperature line can be highlighted red. To do this, check the ”Low” box, set the threshold next to it as 0 and choose the color red. The user can add up to 2 thresholds.

Plots can display multiple parameters on the same axes. This can be done by clicking on ”Add Parameter” at the bottom right of the layer stack. Here, each parameter can be adjusted with its own style and thresholds.

If the ”Source” is set to an ensemble model such as ECMWF ENS, the displayed band (an indication of the uncertainty in the forecast) and line can be adjusted under ”Property”. For example, the 40% band can be displayed with the mean.