Points of Interest
To highlight specific locations on a map, ”Points of Interests” (POIs) can be added. Click on ”Add Layer”, where ”Points of Interest” are found in the ”Mode” section. The point can be added based on a latitude and longitude, by uploading a CSV file of coordinates, by manually selecting a point on the map or typing in a certain location.

In the Layer Stack, the user can choose the ”POI Type” by clicking on either ”Icon or ”Text”. The dropdown menu in the ”Icon” section reveals many different choices, e.g. aircraft, house, electricity, ship or power plant symbols. Instead of an icon, text can also be added by replacing the default ”here” in the dedicated field. Default color and symbol size can also be changed.
Also a threshold can be added based on a parameter. For example, if the temperature falls below 0 degrees Celsius, the symbol color can be set to blue. Click on ”Threshold by parameter” to add a parameter of your choice. A sophisticated example is shown below:

Meteomatics’ weather API has a parameter called aerodrome_approach index, which describes significant weather conditions at an airport. In the example above, if the index equals 2, conditions are hostile for an aircraft to land. The user is able to adjust the color, the mathematical operator as well as the threshold value. Based on the weather conditions (i.e. the parameter), the color of the icon will change.